Executive Coaching for Entrepreneurs 

You're ambitious and a true innovator

but you don’t always know which of your countless brilliant ideas holds the key to profit and sustainability

Let’s uncomplicate your business

How can a business coach

for neurodivergent entrepreneurs help?  

Whether you call yourself an entrepreneur, founder, CEO, or owner,

chances are you have too many great ideas, which makes it hard to focus,

follow through and finish what you start.

You can end up with too many offers to sell and deliver, too many tactics

instead of a strategy, and are starting to resent even your best-fit clients.

Let’s uncomplicate your business

I’m talking about leaning into your most unique and profitable offers and eliminating

the ones that strain you and drain you

I’m talking about boosting your bottom line while reducing boredom and burnout

It’s a powerful process that lets you do more of what you love while working less.

When do you need a business strategy coach?

Starting your business is the fun part, but sooner or later we all struggle. When you reach the point where it feels overly complicated, messy, and overwhelming, it’s hard to figure it out on your own.

The business that was supposed to give us flexibility & freedom is giving frustration & fatigue.

If you’re here, my friend, you're not alone, and it doesn’t mean you’re doing anything wrong. You’re just

doing too much that isn’t satisfying and you don’t know what to cut and what to keep.

I can help.

I help other neurodivergent business owners, creatives and independent professionals streamline their businesses by amplifying what they do best and getting rid of anything holding them back, or slowing them down.

The result is a thriving, sought-after, and profitable business rooted in

your unique expertise, values, and capacity.

This completely customized business strategy & coaching program brings together my expertise as a business success coach and former psychotherapist, as well as a serial business owner, so we are transforming both the business and the business owner at the same time.

Working with me is Right for you if you:

  Have an established business and want to become known for your unique brilliance, even if you’re not 100% sure what it is (I’ll help you figure it out…)

➤ Are serious about making progress and expect to work for it. You know that nothing happens 'automagically". 

   Want to invest in your growth by working with a pro.  You know damn well that a newbie coach, course or group program is a waste of time and money. 

  Understand that you are responsible for your results. You might worry about disappointing yourself, but you're more concerned about staying where you are.

Working with me is Not Right for you if you:

➤  Are just getting started, have no idea what you want to do, or don't even know if you are cut out for the owning your own business.

 ➤  Aren't really serious about addressing what is actually holding you back and taking action to move forward. It's normal to be scared but you have to want it enough to set goals and take action 

➤  Are currently dealing with the impact of trauma, abuse or addiction, because addressing what’s holding you back in businss may actually make things worse. If you are currently in therapy, you may be able to do both at the same time, so let's talk. 

➤ Are intiminated by direct, insightful feedback or offended by colorful language. I’m a straight shooter, ridiculously intuitive and won’t apologize for the occasional “F bomb.”

Working With Me

 I carefully screen my potential clients before we work together, and will only invite you to work with me if I’m 100% confident that we will have an outstanding outcome that exceeds your expectations.

My goal is to work only with the people that I am uniquely qualified to coach. I insist that every single client has an amazing experience working with me. Integrity is one of my core values, and I take it seriously. It’s a win for both of us. 

Click below for my online scheduler
to answer a few brief questions & book your free consultation.

I can’t wait to connect!

Setting Expectations for our Consultation

  • It’s not a chance to “pick my brain.”

  • It's also not a sales call or a coaching call.

  • The purpose of the free consultation is to see if I am the right coach for you and if you are the right client for me.  

  • If we are a fit, I will invite you to become a client. 

  • The time will be valuable whether we work together or not.

  • You can count on it.