The Impact of Sleep on Women's Wellness with Morgan Adams, MSW

It’s no secret that most small business owners struggle to get enough sleep,  as do those of us with ADHD, and the majority of women over 40 have trouble sleeping due to hormonal changes and the complexity of their lives.  But getting enough sleep is not just the key to fewer dark circles and less coffee consumption.  Adequate amounts of quality sleep are actually necessary for mental and physical health and wellbeing and even longevity.

 I invited Morgan Adams, MSW to join me to set the record straight on how much sleep we actually need according to the research,  the most effective strategies for improving sleep quality and straight talk about sleep medications like Ambien. Morgan has a masters degree in social work and two certifications in sleep science coaching.   She calls herself “Your sleep soulmate” and is a former insomniac, with an 8 year dependency on prescription sleep medication. 


I really enjoyed this conversation and riffing on our shared wisdom about the connection between sleep, stress and success.  Here are some of the highlights: 

🌙 Quality sleep is crucial for success and wellbeing. Consistency is more important than the number of hours, and exposure to morning sunlight (without sunglasses) can improve sleep quality and regulate circadian rhythms.

🌟 The impact of mindset on sleep improvement cannot be overstated. Shifting negative self-talk and reframing our beliefs about sleep can lead to significant changes in our rest patterns.

🔄 Establishing intentional morning and evening routines are worthwhile establishing. By drawing firm boundaries on work time and allowing for decompression before bedtime, we can set ourselves up for restful nights and productive days


Mic Drop Moment: 

“They actually, did a study recently of thousands and thousands of people. There was a higher life expectancy when people had 6 hours of consistent sleep versus 8 hours of inconsistent and interrupted sleep."

Want more sleep strategy from Morgan?

Linked In:

Morgan’s mini course:

MidLife Sleep School:


Mentioned in this episode:

Professor Matt Walker, PhD:

National Sleep Foundation:

If you are a solopreneur who can’t sleep because your business is not living up to it’s potential, this might be the perfect time to work with me.  

As announced during the episode,  I am opening up opportunities to work with me 1:1 for different lengths of time.  Until now, the only option was my 12 week Boss Up Breakthrough, but not everyone needs or wants that level of intensity. 

It starts with a free consultation where we discuss your needs, goals, strengths and obstacles. Then we explore how much time you need and the type of guidance and support will get you to your goals.  I will help you figure out why your business is where you want it to be, and make sure you are including mental wellness in your business plan so that you’re not just successful on the outside, but aligned with your values, and priorities on the inside.  

Want to know more?  Schedule a free consultation here:


Maybe a lack of sleep isn’t the problem, maybe it’s something else holding you back. Take my quiz and find out, and not only get the answer, but get a short series of emails loaded with resources to help you get back into momentum.


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