Does Your Business Need You to Boss Up?

Have you ever heard the term “boss up?”  I started using it with my one-to-one coaching clients about a year ago, at times when they needed and wanted to change their mindset and take new actions.  Usually, this happened because they had plateaued, believed they were stagnating, or just felt stuck and were ready to do whatever it took to move beyond it.  

I had been trying to decide on a name for the signature framework I spent months creating (with the help of a consultant I’ve mentioned on this podcast, Claudia Schalkx.)  I looked up the term “boss up” and recognized instantly that it was the perfect name for my framework.  Here’s the Urban Dictionary definition of boss up:  “take ownership of one's life, by directing the full capacity of time, resources, and attention toward a specific direction, goal, or intent. In other words: step up, raise your standard, up your game, and take responsibility for the direction of your life and the full maturity of your dreams.”  

Just substitute business for life and you will see what this program is all about. We opened the doors for sign-ups for the very first cohort of Boss Up Breakthrough yesterday and I wanted to let you know who it’s for, how to know if you are ready, and invite you to join us.  

How we set ourselves up for problems in business:

  • Thinking of yourself as a visionary in need of an implementor 

  • Business partnerships that are not real partnerships 

  • Letting our clients determine our offers, becoming a “beck & call girl”

  • The risk of becoming a “Silly Putty Person” by following the herd 

  • Starting a business to avoid having a boss vs wanting to be the boss

  • Focusing on passion & purpose, while forgetting about profit 


When it is time to get help to boss up:

  • We have no clue what’s actually working and what isn’t 

  • We bought into the 6 or 7 figure propaganda instead of right-sizing our biz

  • Our boundaries are lacking, weak or not being honored 

  • Our values are in conflict with our business model 

  • We prioritize avoiding discomfort & end up not geting what we want/need 

If you are ready for a Boss Up Breakthrough in your business?  Here is the link to find out more:


Not ready for group coaching (but you do want to get unstuck? 

I created a quiz with 6 different behaviors I often see in female solopreneurs that limit their income, profit, and success.  Take the quiz, and get specific feedback, guidance, and practical advice about your particular challenge and more importantly, steps you can take to fix it.   


Click on this link to take the quiz: What’s Holding You Back?


Just “browsing”? Join The Driven Woman Facebook Group

The place to be for entrepreneurial women who are ready to go from driven and distracted to focused, fired up, and flame retardant  (


Hate Facebook?  Let’s connect on Instagram:  


So, that’s all for now, Driven Woman!  Please join us next week for another amazing guest interview 

In the meantime, stay driven!  


Business Strategist, Consultant, or Coach: Which One Do You Need?


Leading With Your Values with Laura Eigel, PhD